Failure Modes Code of Conduct #

The events and community spaces are governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct. By signing up and/or attending the events, you acknowledge your adherence to this code of conduct. If you feel the code of conduct has been violated, please reach out to the organizers.

TL;DR: Please be nice and respectful to everyone!

Additional Guidelines #

In addition to the CNCF Code of Conduct, we ask that all participants follow these specific rules in community spaces and events:

1. Strictly Follow the Chatham House Rule.

The Chatham House Rule is designed to encourage open and honest dialogue. You are free to use the information shared during the discussion, but you cannot disclose who said what. This ensures confidentiality and allows everyone to speak freely.

Chatham House Rule: Under the Chatham House Rule, anyone who comes to a meeting is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any particular comment.

2. No Promotions or Unsolicited Marketing:

Please refrain from promoting products, services, or any self-serving interests. The focus should remain on meaningful discussions and knowledge-sharing.

Thank you for helping us create a positive and inclusive environment.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining these standards.